
Jan 29, 2024

Why hiring talented workers from Latin America remotely is a smart move

Hire remotely in Latin America

According to recent reports, businesses are turning to Latin America as a critical destination for remote workers. The region has seen a 156% increase in foreign companies hiring workers from there, making it the fastest-growing area.

The popularity of Latin America as a destination for remote workers can be attributed to several inherent advantages. Understanding these benefits can help businesses make better decisions when selecting their workforce.



Latin America is an excellent source of remote workers for businesses of all sizes. The labor market in the region is highly competitive, which means that companies can find top-tier talent without having to pay the premium prices associated with more established tech markets. Businesses can allocate resources strategically by optimizing labor costs, fueling growth, and fostering innovation. For example, comparing salaries in the U.S. and Latin America shows you can save around 50%. 


Rich Talent Pool

Latin America boasts a diverse and talented workforce with many skills and experiences. Companies can tap into a pool of expertise that includes software developers, UX designers, and project managers. This diversity fosters a culture of innovation, introducing fresh perspectives to problem-solving and enhancing overall capabilities.

The technology industry in Latin America has seen a remarkable growth of 8.5%. Colombia, in particular, has experienced an increase of 10.1%, highlighting the thriving ecosystem of the region.


Alignment with U.S. Time Zones

One significant advantage of hiring remote workers from Latin America is their ability to align with U.S. time zones quickly. This synchronization allows for seamless collaboration in real-time, smooth communication, and efficient project management. Teams can work cohesively across borders, overcoming the common challenges associated with global partnerships. 


Cultural Similarity

Due to Western influence, Latin American professionals share many cultural similarities with their North American counterparts. This cultural alignment helps promote effective communication, team unity, and a shared vision toward business goals. As a result, it becomes easier to overcome any potential language or cultural barriers. Furthermore, the shared cultural references and proficiency in English enrich communication, creating an environment that encourages idea exchange and collaboration.


Excellent English Proficiency

Latin American remote workers have excellent English proficiency, allowing them to communicate precisely and effectively with clients and team members. This linguistic advantage minimizes language barriers and ensures smooth project execution without misunderstandings. Recent reports from the E.F. English Proficiency Index highlight significant improvements in English proficiency across Latin American countries, further reinforcing the region’s ability to engage seamlessly in global business endeavors.

Hiring remote workers from Latin America provides a strategic advantage beyond cost savings. The region’s diverse and skilled talent pool, alignment with U.S. time zones, cultural similarities, and high English proficiency create an environment ideal for innovation and growth. By tapping into the vast talent pool of Latin America, businesses can confidently navigate the complexities of the global marketplace and achieve their goals in the increasingly interconnected world.

Are you ready to hire your next employee in LATAM? Schedule a commitment-free meeting today with us to discuss your hiring needs.