
Feb 7, 2024

Design thinking for better recruitment experience

Crafting an Impressive Resume

&zAt Top Latin Talent, we have a deep understanding of the roles for which we hire. Today, we want to explain why our recruitment strategy is risk-free and how it’s based on our Design thinking knowledge.

In Design Thinking, we recognize that five moments are essential for creating the best solutions.


1. Emphasize

We consciously try to listen our target and their challenges during the hiring process. Based on our interactions, we have gathered some insights and identified pain points that include the following:

  • Companies need help to address job shortages, deal with global financial crises, and maintain the seniority of their employees.
  • Businesses are exploring cost-saving measures by sourcing talent from different countries.
  • Hiring candidates across borders can be challenging due to time zone disparities and cultural alignment issues.
  • Some companies perceive recruitment agencies as costly, which has led them to explore alternative options.
  • If recruitment agencies fail to provide suitable candidates, it results in additional costs.

2. Define the problem

According to our research, the hiring process places a significant financial burden on companies and generates stress when trying to find the ideal candidate without wasting resources.

3. Ideate

During the ideation phase, we’ve unearthed several opportunities, including:

  • They are leveraging talent from Latin America for North American clients to mitigate challenges associated with hiring from distant regions while still realizing cost savings.
  • We are establishing a recruitment team of professionals with domain expertise to minimize risks.
  • Recognizing that client satisfaction hinges on our recruitment process, and the candidate’s performance underscores the need for effective collaboration.

In light of these opportunities, we’ve developed a service offering a meticulously curated recruitment process featuring candidates selected by tech professionals, coupled with a risk-free hiring model. We assume the financial risk of new hires to ensure our clients’ satisfaction.

4 & 5. Prototyping and testing

We went through a prototype and testing process where we experimented with our risk-free hiring approach with friends and family. This approach proved to be significant because it brought more peace to the client. In one of our experiments, the company decided to terminate the contract after one month of hiring. Despite it not being the candidate they were looking for, it was peaceful for them to not worry about losing the recruitment agency payment.

We understand that people tend to remember negative experiences more than positive ones. Therefore, we prioritize ensuring positive interactions throughout our service. Although the recruitment phase marks the initial engagement, our ultimate goal is to cultivate and emphasize respect and clarity to create a positive employer-employee relationship.

Are you ready to hire your next employee in LATAM? Schedule a commitment-free meeting today with us to discuss your hiring needs.